One of the major cryptocurrency news outlets, Cointelegraph is going to honour Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on its notable 100 blockchain list. Cointelegraph said that the members of the Top 100 Outstanding people in Blockchain are more deserving of our admiration.
Cointelegraph To Gift NFTs
Now in 2021 “Top 100 Notable People in Blockchain” by Cointelegraph has been completely disclosed. Cointelegraph said that it believes that those who have succeeded in getting a place in their list deserve little more merely being celebrated on the website. We have therefore vaporized them into exclusive non-exchangeable token works built on our ‘Notable 100’ blockchain list by the expert illustration team at Cointelegraph.
But don’t get too happy now without being on the list. Well, the common people would not be able to use these NFTs. Each individual will instead get their own NFT collectable on our Top 100.
Moreover, we also chose to give the distinctive Elon Musk a respectable Mention. He has been teasing us for quite a long period with cryptic hints that it almost turned out to be real. After shooting Shiba Inu, he finally released all his weapons against the Bitcoin, declaring it as inevitable. It was not appropriate.
Of course, the more sharp-eyed people present among you, the more it is difficult for us to give an NFT to all our 100 top winners. Some are unknown. And we’re not confirmed about the fact that whether the United States’s Marshals will anyway appreciate this or not. But the most important question is how the honoree could be included in the list at the top: #1.
This NFT will be sold via Rarible over the next few months and is the just NFT on the open market… except, of course, one of the first recipients is faced with hard times and desire to sell. However, remember it is blockchain at least.
Lastly, Cointelegraph congratulated all the honourable Top 100 members once again and said that it is looking forward to future contributions to its crypto and blockchain room.