When Mohammad can’t go to the mountain, bitcoin and other cryptos can get the mountain to come straight to his front door.
Strict stay at home measures have been felt by nearly everyone worldwide. With drastic changes to our everyday lives, people are learning how to readjust and adapt to these new rules of normal function. From learning how to cut hair at home, to zoom meetings with your family and friends substituting a Saturday night outing, things have gotten a bit strange.
However, not everything is weird- some things have actually just become a whole lot more convenient. Even before lockdown, you could get just about anything you needed to be delivered straight to your door, but as delivery adoption increased, the entire industry had to start paying close attention to streamlining and optimizing their business strategies.
Enter in bitcoin. While cryptocurrencies have historically been a favorite of the tech-savvy elite, continued adoption has seen a number of everyday Joe’s starting to take a closer look at investing. Because of this surge in adoption, exchanges designed with newbies in mind, like https://bitvavo.com/en, and common services and vendors, like food delivery, have created a space where anyone can buy, trade, and use their digital currencies with ease.
Luckily, this framework has been in place for some time with exchange platforms and digital payment providers. But only now does the average citizen seem keen to use it. Or keener, as the case may be.
What’s Happening with Food Delivery
With COVID-19 and stay at home measures in full swing seemingly around the globe- people are looking for creative ways to get a hold of the familiar creature comforts that they have always held dear. Decent food being at the top of the list. Which makes sense, because there are few things as seemingly luxurious as a piping hot meal, prepared by someone else, delivered directly to you with little to no effort on your part.
Particularly if you’ve got some disposable bitcoin. Companies like Takeaway.com has set up shop in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal, Bulgaria, and a number of other countries scattered throughout Europe. The idea is that if you get food delivered to you, you’re automatically limiting your exposure to others, and consequently the virus. Add insult to injury for COVID when you pay in bitcoin. This completely eliminates any person to person interaction you may otherwise need to have. Not to mention it keeps you out of contact with paper money. Which is a prime surface for carrying all sorts of filth.
While this company isn’t the only food delivery service that accepts crypto- many companies, even the big ones, vary massively by country as to which currencies and payment methods they accept. So it’s always wise to shop around a bit. Most crypto accepting food delivery services will openly advertise that they accept cryptocurrency, so finding banners isn’t usually too difficult. Those that use payment protocols like Bitpay make it super simple for even the newest bitcoin user to pay.
What to Do if Your Country Doesn’t Offer Crypto Payment Options
However, not all companies accept bitcoin. And some of those that do, only accept the digital currency within the borders of certain countries. For example, big names in fast food like Burger King and McDonald’s happily accept bitcoin in Germany but are less than likely to accept it in other areas. So what’s a crypto user to do if they’re faced with this dilemma?
Well, not to fear as there’s usually a way to get around this sort of issue. After all, digital currencies are largely built and maintained by some of the most tech-savvy geeks in the world- so there’s usually a loophole. Should you live in the UK, for example, you can order food from JustEat.com, a UK based food delivery service that doesn’t accept bitcoin.
Using the bitcoin you have, you can purchase gift certificates to this outlet and many others like it, through a number of sites that exist solely for this purpose- turning bitcoin into gift certificates. Once you have the crypto purchased gift card in hand, you then proceed through the app or web browser as normal. Purchasing your food and happily awaiting its delivery. All without leaving the couch.