Price Analysis of SCARY (SCY), Crypto Jackpot (CJP), and more Cryptocurrencies

The price analysis data surrounding SCARY (SCY) suggests that in the 24-hour time period, the price of SCARY has moved up by 615.04%. The surge being recorded for SCARY is due to the high level of interest being shown by the investors in elevating its price.

At the time of writing, the unit price of SCARY is $0.01772 per SCARY. As SCARY is currently observing a high price, therefore, the investors are highly enthusiastic about pushing its price higher. They are eager to witness more elevations in the price of SCARY in the upcoming days.

If the interest level of the investors remains constant, then the price of SCARY may rise to $0.03421 per SCARY. If the investors keep pushing the price of SCARY higher with their strong buying power, then it would surge to $0.04531 per SCARY.

If the investors keep adding more buying power to the cause, then the price of SCARY may land on the third strong resistance mark ($0.06137).

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The next cryptocurrency after SCARY is Crypto Jackpot (CJP) which is also surging due to high buying interest from the investors’ end. Due to the high level of interest, Crypto Jackpot has observed a 200.20% rally in the past 24-hours. As a result of the rally, the unit price of Crypto Jackpot has grown up to $0.006418 per CJP.

Even after observing over 200% rallies, the spirits of the investors are high and they may continue with their high sentiments. This would help in pushing the price of Crypto Jackpot to $0.01283 per CJP. If the investors keep pushing harder, then the price of Crypto Jackpot may get pushed up to its second strong resistance mark ($0.01925).

In the upcoming days, if the price of Crypto Jackpot continues growing, then the investors would gain more confidence. In such a case, the price of Crypto Jackpot may grow all the way up to $0.02406 per CJP.

Lastly, there is INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER (IDO) that has also observed a high trend in terms of its price. The data has revealed that in the past 24-hours, its price has surged by 127.82%. The investors are still supporting the cause and their efforts may help in pushing INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER’s price higher.

If the sentiments of the investors remain strong, the price of INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER may grow significantly. At the time of writing, the price of INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER is hovering around $0.001661 per IDO.

If the sentiments remain high, then the price of INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER may grow all the way up to $0.003784 per IDO. As the investors keep increasing their buying power, then INTERSTELLAR DOMAIN ORDER’s price may succeed in hitting and crossing the $0.006202 per IDO price.

Author: Jerry Dedmon

Jerry Dedmon is a new writer on Cryptocoin Stock Exchange, his articles are cryptocurrency news, analysis and blockchain news based. We recommend tuning in for Jerry's daily posts as they are always a great and interesting read.

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