Polkadot and Kusama are being prioritized by Plasm Network’s parent company for taking initiatives for their development. Many venture firms and frequent private angel (private) investors are supporting the company in this respect.
A provider of infrastructure for Web 3.0 Protocols and decentralized applications, Stake Technologies, has piled up to $10 million from official investments to assist in the establishment of Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems through Shiden and Plasm networks which are driven by it.
It was announced by the company on Friday that the allocated budget will be immediately dispensed to back Stake Technologies in completing a fortunate PLO (Parachain Lease Offering) for Polkadot and Kusama. Polkadot will be credited to conduct the PLO of Plasm Network while Shiden Network Parachain will be conducting the PLO of Kusama. Crowdloan-Centric Strategy had been adopted by Stake Technologies to secure the Parachain lease of Shiden. This points towards one of the two main which are required to secure a Parachain slot and the other is known as the direct sales.
The dispensation of the investment was conducted by Fenbushi Captial which is a venture firm. The other participants involved AUZI Capital, IOSG Ventures, Hypersphere Ventures, TRG Capital, Gumi Cryptos, and others. The former chairman and CEO of Sony, Nobuyuki Idel, has also participated as a private (angel) investor. Stake Technologies disclosed that the main target of both the networks, Shiden and its sister Plasm, is to become famous hubs of Kusama and Polkadot for multi-chain dApps. The two companies are moving forward to be developed as the gateway for the other networks’ cross-chain crypto assets based on Parachains and platforms utilizing layer two.
The Shiden and Plasm will be the most significant contributors to the Parachain ecosystem as a whole by the multi-blockchain technology as all of the other Parachains are being benefitted by work done by these networks on scaling. It is most likely the auction conducted by Kusama Parachain might have the first of its winners in the latter days of this month if a tentative schedule is approved in the Kusama Council which was published recently this week by the developer Gavin Wood. Since May, the Kusama network has been prepared for the host Parachains. The developers are confident about the clearance of the technical hurdles.